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Bringing together a community of grief and bereavement specialists to connect, educate and empower.

Palliative Care In Oncology Symposium

  • 09/09/2016
  • 09/10/2016
  • San Francsico, CA

A team approach to palliative care can, and should, include everyone in an oncology setting: physicians, palliative care specialists, nurses, hospice professionals, social workers, and others. The 2016 Palliative Care in Oncology Symposium will provide information that is vital to the entire cancer care continuum, from laboratory research regarding biologic mechanisms of symptoms to caring for patients’ psychosocial and spiritual needs during cancer treatment and at end of life. Abstracts will be discussed in the General Sessions, as well as in dedicated Oral Abstract Sessions, providing ample context around the scientific data—the whole-patient perspective. Networking events will accompany the General Sessions, allowing for increased interaction with colleagues from within and outside of your specialty as well as increased opportunities for one-on-one discussions with palliative care experts. This year’s meeting will take place at a new venue, the San Francisco Marriott Marquis in San Francisco, California, and will feature classroom-style seating and space for networking, posters, and exhibits.

The american academy of bereavement

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