National Bereavement Education Week

  • 08/04/2014
  • 08/08/2014
  • Radisson Hotel, La Crosse, WI
The purpose of this training is to provide participants with a rich educational experience that enhances their knowledge, level of skill, and personal awareness while providing care to families whose baby dies.
Resolve Through Sharing (RTS) Bereavement Training: Perinatal Death will:
• Enhance your understanding of perinatal death and its     effect on parents
and family members
• Emphasize the role of relationship and ritual
• Provide you with the latest evidence-based information about perinatal
bereavement care
• Help you understand what “normal” grief looks like and how individuals
grieve differently
• Address effective self-care and care for other caregivers
• Provide you with the opportunity to network with others in the field

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